
By booking your room directly via our website, you are guaranteed to get the best prices for your business, family or discovery stay. For further information, contact the reception of the Hôtel Carré Vieux Port, your hotel in Marseille.

Because the environment is a priority
Environmental Charter

Save water

- Installation of water regulators on the taps

- Reuse of bath towels and bed linen if the customer indicates it to us

- Better use of water consumption by all staff

Reduce energy consumption

  • Installation of low consumption light bulbs
  • Display of eco responsible gestures with customers
  • Installation of presence detectors and timers in the corridors to reduce the lighting duration
  • Thermostatic heating and air conditioning
  • Double or quadruple glazing
  • Curtains close in summer to limit the use of air conditioning
  • Air conditioning / heating switched off in unoccupied rooms
  • Using the 'energy saving' functions to put the devices into sleep mode if they are not used for a certain time and 'correction' to interrupt printing in case of error

Reduce waste

  • Abandonment of individual welcome products in bathrooms = use of refillable dispensers
  • Recycling of cardboard, paper, glass and plastic at the various stations of the hotel
  • Recycling of furniture and various objects
  • Recycling of batteries, light bulbs and ink cartridges
  • Reducing document printing and reusing blank sides of scrap paper
  • The water cups in the bathroom are made of rigid plastic to be cleaned and thus be reused
  • Elimination of disposable tableware in the breakfast room
  • Transformation of old sheets / towels into rags
  • Limitation to actual purchasing needs to avoid surplus and waste
  • We prefer sending an invoice by email rather than printing it
  • We encourage our customers and partners to print our emails only if necessary
  • We promote the sale of drinks with returnable bottles


  • Majority use of ecological cleaning products
  • Use of public transport by the majority of staff
  • Use of rechargeable batteries for the frequent needs of reception and room services
  • No smoking throughout the establishment